About Me

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Bothell, Washington, United States
Full-time Art Director with a network of side projects.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Designing for Change

I've always felt empowered by what design has the ability to do, and I think it's gaining momentum in our society as a catalyst for improvement to the human condition. Some of the best and brightest have used design to campaign for change . I read in CREATE magazine (Fall 2006, Article by Marc Friedland) a quote from the World Economic Forum that design was named "the zeitgeist of social change". It is no doubt a very potent and powerful tool, especially in the right hands. What I have almost always noticed among the agency juggernauts is that there is a sense of responsibility to improve the world and solve problems through design. It's this kind of progressive thinking that has kept me excited about being a designer — there's infinitely more to it than making "artsy" brochures, business cards, etc... a level of enlightenment is continually awarded through understanding design, and the socio-economic role it plays.

I've collated some resources that debate issues and talk about design as a vehicle for change:

World Changing

Gluenetwork Bridge (collaborative design effort for world issues — join now free!)

Design for Peace

Designing for Change @ MIT

MASSIVE CHANGE (part of Bruce Mau Design)


Sydney EcoDesign

Urban EcoloDesign @ WSU (Washington State University)

Ecology in Design

Design for Humanity

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super list - bookmarked.